Impact Determination

Impact Determination

Using the methods as recommended by DEAT, we determine the significance of impacts due to noise from the various activities for each phase (construction, operational and closure phases), whether the activity(ies) takes place at night or day. Due to the methodology employed, the impact assessment automatically considers cumulative impacts due to other project activities, as […]

Conceptual Barrier Design and Cost Optimization

Conceptual Barrier Design and Cost Optimization

As far as we know, MENCO is currently the only company in South Africa that model the effect that various barriers have on noise sources. Utilising our software, we are able to accurately model the impact on the surrounding environment, allowing us to focus specifically on one or more receptors (see Table 1). This allows […]

Impact Modeling and Identification

Impact Modeling and Identification

At this point the method employed by MENCO departs from most other companies doing noise studies, as we model (using the appropriate software and stipulated methods) the various impacts that could be expected due to various activities during the construction, operational and even closure phases. This data is represented as isopleths of constant noise levels […]

Identification of Close Receptors

Using field work and available aerial images (such as Google Earth®), close potential receptors are identified. While the model may investigate various scenarios over the life of the project, we also specifically focus on various close receptors, used during the study to allow the simulation of various management measures to ensure that the impacts on […]

Ambient Sound Levels

Ambient Sound Levels

MENCO would take the optimal number of sound measurements to ensure that the Ambient Sound level can be sufficiently defined. While this may take significantly longer, it allows us to better understand the existing sound environment prior to the introduction of a new activity, development or noise source. This allows us to identify other sources […]